Join a vegetarian society for vegetarian food and learn about a vegetarian diet. Go vegan with a raw food or macrobiotic diet. A Veggie, vegitarian, raw food or macrobiotic diet can help becoming vegan and having a vegan lifestyle. California vegans and New York vegans have good vegan outreach encouraging others becoming vegan, Go vegan!
Business name city, state | Headline |
'Vegetarian / vegan / raw food' listings by state and country
Alabama |
Vegan Chat Room North, AL | - |
Alaska |
Arizona |
Arkansas |
California |
San Diego Animal Advocates Encinitas, CA | - |
The Natural Health Group Los Angeles, CA | - |
Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center Marina del Rey, CA | - |
Synergy Chef Collaborative Sacramento, CA | - |
Raw Sacramento Sacramento, CA | - |
San Francisco Vegetarian Society (SFVS) San Francisco, CA | - |
Vegetarian and Vegan Guide to Santa Barbara Santa Barbara, CA | - |
Santa Cruz Vegan Meetup Santa Cruz, CA | - |
Colorado |
Vegetarian Society of Colorado Denver, CO | - |
Fast Food Free Denver, CO | - |
Vegetarian Parents of Denver & Boulder Parker, CO | - |
Connecticut |
The Northern Connecticut Vegetarian Society (NCVS) Windsor Locks, CT | - |
Delaware |
Vegetarian Meetup Group at Rehoboth Beach in Delaware Rehoboth Beach, DE | - |
District of Columbia |
Florida |
SoFlaVegans Boca Raton, FL | - |
Vegetarians Vegans and raw foodists of Daytona Beach Ormond Beach, FL | - |
Sarasota Vegetarian Meetup Group Sarasota, FL | - |
Georgia |
CSRA Vegetarian Society Augusta, GA | - |
Hawaii | Honolulu, HI | - |
Vegetarian Society of Hawaii (VSH) Honolulu, HI | - |
Gentle World Kapa'au, HI | - |
Idaho |
Illinois |
ChicagoVeg - Community for Chicago area Vegetarians-Vegans-RawFoodists Chicago, IL | - |
Vegetarian Education Group (VEG) Dekalb, IL | - |
Simply Vedic Naperville, IL | - |
Decatur Vegetarian Society Oakley, IL | - |
Petersburg Vegetarian Association Petersburg, IL | - |
Vegetarians In Motion (VIM) Rockford, IL | - |
Springfield Vegetarian Association Springfield, IL | - |
Indiana |
VegIU Bloomington, IN | - |
Iowa |
Cedar Prairie Vegetarians (CPV) Cedar Falls, IA | - |
Vegetarian Community of Iowa Des Moines, IA | - |
Kansas |
Kentucky |
Louisiana |
Maine |
Maryland |
The Vegetarian Resource Group Baltimore, MD | - |
Massachusetts |
Boston Vegetarian Society Cambridge, MA | - |
Vegetarian Resource Center Cambridge, MA | - |
Valley Vegetarian Society (VVS) Easthampton, MA | - |
Berkshire Vegetarian Network New Ashford, MA | - |
Michigan |
Michigan Animal Rights Society (MARS) Ann Arbor, MI | - |
Minnesota |
Vegetarian Information Group of Rochester (VIGOR) Rochester, MN | - |
Mississippi |
Missouri |
Vegetarian Club of the Ozarks Springfield, MO | - |
St. Louis Vegetarian Society (STLVS) St. Louis, MO | - |
Montana |
Nebraska |
Nebraska Vegetarian Society (NVS) Omaha, NE | - |
Nevada |
New Hampshire |
New Jersey |
American Vegan Society (AVS) Malaga, NJ | - |
Central Jersey Vegetarian Group (CJVG) Manville, NJ | - |
Vegetarian Society of South Jersey (VSSJ) Mt Laurel, NJ | - |
New Mexico |
New York |
VegOut NYC New York, NY | - |
EarthSave International New York, NY | - |
Viva Veggie new york, NY | - |
Jewish Vegetarians of North America Staten Island, NY | - |
Chautauqua Vegetarian Society Westfield, NY | - |
North Carolina | Charlotte, NC | - |
North Dakota |
Ohio |
EarthSave Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH | - |
Christian Vegetarian Association Cleveland, OH | - |
Oklahoma |
Vegetarians of Oklahoma Oklahoma City, OK | - |
Vegetarian Society of Tulsa Tulsa, OK | - |
Oregon |
Eugene Veg Education Network (EVEN) Eugene, OR | - |
Pennsylvania |
Green Street Vegetarian Club Harrisburg, PA | - |
Lancaster Vegetarian Society Quarryville, PA | - |
Compassion for Animals, Respect for the Environment (CARE) West Chester, PA | - |
Rhode Island |
South Carolina |
South Dakota |
Plant Peace Daily Sioux Falls, SD | - |
Tennessee |
Vegetarian Society of East Tennessee Knoxville, TN | - |
Vegetarian Society of East Tennessee Knoxville, TN | - |
Bread of life Bakery Savannah, TN | - |
Texas |
The Dallas Vegetarian Lunch Group Dallas, TX | - |
PartyNuts! Dallas, TX | - |
Vegetarian Society of El Paso El Paso, TX | - |
San Antonio Vegetarian Society San Antonio, TX | - |
San Antonio Vegans San Antonio, TX | - |
15th Annual Lone Star Veg. Net. Vegetarian (Vegan!) Chili Cook-Off Spring, TX | - |
Utah |
Vermont |
Virginia |
Voice for a Viable Future Alexandria, VA | - |
Voices for Animals Charlottesville, VA | - |
Washington |
Busy Rural Family Farm Elk, WA | - |
West Virginia |
Wisconsin |
Wyoming |
Alberta |
Calgary Vegetarian Society (CVS) Calgary, AB | - |
Club VEG Edmonton, AB | - |
British Columbia |
RawBC (Raw Food Society of British Columbia) Vancouver, BC | - |
Manitoba |
New Brunswick |
Newfoundland |
North West Terr. |
Nova Scotia |
Ontario |
Ecopolitan Ottawa Stittsville, ON | - |
Prince Edward Isl. |
Quebec |
Montreal Association for the Promotion and Advancement of Vegetarianis Montreal, QC | - |
Saskatchewan |
Yukon Territory |
other |
American Samoa |
Guam |
Puerto Rico |
Aguascalientes |
Baja California Norte |
Baja California Sur |
Campeche |
Coahuila De Zaragoza |
Colima |
Chiapas |
Chihuahua |
Distrito Federal |
Durango |
Guanajuato |
Guerrero |
Hidalgo |
Jalisco |
México |
Michoacán |
Morelos |
Nayarit |
Nuevo León |
Oaxaca |
Puebla |
Querétaro |
Quintana Roo |
San Luis Potosí |
Sinaloa |
Sonora |
Tabasco |
Tamaulipas |
Tlaxcala |
Veracruz Llave |
Yucatán |
Zacatecas |
United-Kingdom |
Hemp Food Industries Association | - | Hemp Foods and more with mail order worldwide. |
The Vegan Society (UK) | - | promotes ways of living which avoid the use of animal products. |
Vegan Chat Room | - | Vegan Chat Room and Vegan Links Portal. |
Denmark |
Dansk Vegetarforening | - | Dansk Vegetarforening (DVF) - Danish Vegetarian Society. |
France |
C'Cru:The First French spoken Raw vegan Social Network | - | C'Cru. |
India |
Sai educational rural & urban development society | - | Sai Educational Rural & Urban Development Society. |
New-Zealand |
The Vegan Society of New Zealand | - | Vegan support and information in New Zealand. |
South-Africa |
Vegan SA | - | Vegan SA - the veganism directory for South Africa. |
other |
VeggieJews | - | Jewish vegetarian, vegan and animal rights group promoting health and the environment. |