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PartyNuts! Inaugural Dinner

( Member since August 2003.  Listing views:14651 )

    Contact: Ricky Burke
City, State: DallasTexas      -----
Phone: 972-235-5665    2nd Phone: 214-319-9936
Online ordering: No      Nonprofit: Yes
The kick-off event for PartyNuts!, a new Vegetarian social group - will begin Saturday, August 23rd at 6:30pm. We�ll start with an elegant VEGAN dinner, listen to live acoustic guitar music, then view the planet Mars through telescopes and binoculars. Afterwards, we plan to go out for more music, and perhaps some dancing. Payment of $15 per person MUST be received by Wednesday, August 20th. Details, including location, directions, menu and RSVP info is at Or call Ricky Burke at 972-235-5665.

1) Vegetarian / vegan / raw food

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