green directory of organic, fair trade and green products

Holistic Resource for Health, LLC

Certified in Classical Homeopathy

( Member since May 2011.  Listing views:5333 )

    Contact: Mercedes Christ-Barnek, CCH, RS Hom (NA)
38 Cooper Blvd.
City, State: Red BankNew Jersey      Zip:07701
Phone: 732-747-7810    Fax: 732-747-8410
Experienced in Classical Homeopathy and has done further study with Dr. A.U. Ramakrishnan and Dr. Farokh Master. Experienced in Sensation Method and has done further study with The Joshis, Dr. Divya Chhabra, Joanna Daly and Melissa Burch.

1) Homeopathy / Natural Home Remedies / Natural Cures

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Experience the Power of the Ocean with KaiMana� Hawaiian Deep Seawater Trace Minerals