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GLYDE America - Certified Ethical (vegan) and Fair Trade Condoms

GLYDE Vegan Condoms - The World's Only Certified Ethical and Fair Trade Condom

( Member since December 2010.  Listing views:5136 )

578 Washington Blvd., 259
City, State: Marina del ReyCalifornia      Zip:90292
Phone: 866-590-9626
Online ordering: No      Mail / Phone order: Yes     
Why Choose GLYDE�? GLYDE premium vegan condoms are the world's only certified ethical and Fair Trade condom. GLYDE Vegan Condoms are sheer, strong and comfortable due to our exclusive patented �double-dipping� manufacturing process gives GLYDE an ultra-fine sheath and exceptional strength without increasing thickness. � GLYDE products are made from the highest quality natural rubber latex. � GLYDE surpasses all FDA and international tests for strength and durability. � For the perfect fit, GLYDE is available in three sizes: ULTRA, MAXI and SLIMFIT. To create the yummiest flavored condoms in the world, we ignored the usual cheap chemical concoctions that most companies use and sourced the highest quality food-grade organic fruit and nut extracts on the planet. GLYDE flavors are served up in our standard fit ULTRA condom and come in five delicious flavors: Vanilla, Blueberry, Wildberry, Strawberry and Black Licorice. Safer Sex Never Felt So Good!

1) Wellness Manufacturer / distributor / services

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