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CleverHomes / tobylongdesign

Modern Green Building Design, Construction, and Supply

( Member since September 2009.  Listing views:5670 )

    Contact: Toby Long, AIA
665 Third Street Suite 400
City, State: San FranciscoCalifornia      Zip:94107
Phone: 415-905-9030
Online ordering: Yes      Mail / Phone order: Yes     
Clever Homes is a complete design/build service that brings together modern design, advanced technology and responsible building practices - to create a living environment with your complete quality of life in mind. Our mission to systemize green and healthy building techniques into a repeatable construction system. Our work integrates green building materials (from SIPs to FSC framing materials, through fixtures and finishes with no VOC's, recycled content, and high water-use efficiencies), energy efficient and passive design, and alternative green con-struction techniques, generally leverages on prefabrication. We have built many dozens of homes across the US using these techniques, and have been promoting green building for the better part of the last decade. We have three LEED-H Platinum homes in our portfolio, a LEED Platinum off-the-grid urban community center under construction in SF, and we have recently completed a first-generation green prototype for a new relocatable classroom building.

1) Wellness Manufacturer / distributor / services

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