C'est Si Bon Company offers the world's very first/the world's most
researched chlorella-CHLORENERGY to health-food related wholesale distributors
and/or directly to health food stores as well as Holistic
Alternative/Integrative doctors such as M.D., D.O., N.D., D.C., Lac,mercury-free
dentists, etc.CHLORENERGY is binder free pure chlorella with CVE (chlorella
vulgaris extract). CHLORENERGY is a binder-free deep green condensed vegetable
salad substitute. It's a complete food by itself providing high-protein,
vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll, fibers, carotenoids, chlorella-specific
CGF-plus, and more. CHLORENERGY is currently carried by thounsands of health
food stores nationwide. Alternative doctors' first choice chlorella. CHLORENERGY
(made in Japan in its entirety) is exported to naturally to the U.S., Canada,
Europe and Asian countries. 45 years of extensive/intensive product research
backs up the authenticity of this chlorella (550 research studies over 45
years). Go for the science-based chlorella NOW !