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Arcadia Organic Gardening and Lawn Care

Local organic gardening service since 1987

( Member since July 2011.  Listing views:7558 )

    Contact: Leslie McClanahan-Hardy
81867 Hyw 101
City, State: Tolovana ParkOregon      Zip:97145
Phone: 503-440-1491
We are a small family operated business providing totally organic garden and lawn care. Key to a successful organic garden is a design that incorporates strategic use of plants, soft and hard scape materials that will eliminate the need for pesticide use and still provide a fabulous garden! Our gardens are as different as our clients yet we are able to incorporate many easily sustainable features such as non monoculture lawns, weed burnable surfaces, rain gardens, natives, beneficial insect habitate, hardy plants that are not susceptible to insects and disease and permiable parking areas.

1) Green Landscaping / Green Lawn Care / Organic Gardening

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Nature Safe Spas  

99% of our foods, drinks, pastries, and desserts have been prepared using clean, sustainably raised materials.

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