Your Natural Birth
Your Natural Birth - Childbirth educator
- Categories: natural child birth , counseling
- Address: Naples Island Map
- City, State: Long Beach, California Country: United States Postal Code: 90803
- Phone: 816-588-4999 Fax: Not Available
- WebSite:
- Email: Your Natural Birth Contact: Lia Berquist Fletcher
- Description:
Your Natural Birth is a birth without the use of drugs or medical interventions. Childbirth is a natural process for which a woman was built. This course is comprised of twelve 2-hour classes which train a mother and her chosen coach for the athletic event about to take place - the birth of her child. During this course, mother and coach are taught about proper nutrition, safe and effective exercise, the physiology and psychology of birth, anatomy, informed consent, positive communication, and most importantly how to effectively manage pain with relaxation. This is not a course in how to avoid or hide the pains associated with childbirth but rather to understand, work with, and calmly handle the pain. Childbirth should not be feared. But often it is. Educating your self through this comprehensive course will help you to deliver your baby into this world in the manner you choose - via a peaceful birth.
- Online Ordering: No