Trash to Treasure Florida
Trash to Treasure Creative Re-Use Center
- Categories: environmental
- Address: 1100 NW 53rd Street #1 Map
- City, State: Fort Lauderdale, Florida Country: United States Postal Code: 33069
- Phone: 888-828-8242 Fax: Not Available
- WebSite:
- Email: Trash to Treasure Florida Contact: Leona McAndrews
- Description:
Trash to Treasure is a non-profit organization that has a mission to locate clean, re-usable materials and redistribute these items as valuable educational and artistic resources. Our Philosophy - There exist an abundance of materials for all of us to share. We must all strive to overcome the erroneous perception that "there is not enough" in the world. With this thought in mind, please feel welcome to TAKE WHAT YOU WISH, without the need to hoard, and be confident that each time you return, there will continue to be plenty for all.
- Online Ordering: Yes