The Bridge-Between Retreat Center, Inc.
Retreat center where all are welcome...serving both soul and soil. Organic Vegetable Garden.
- Categories: environmental
- Address: 4471 Flaherty Lane
- City, State: Denmark,
Country: United States
Postal Code: 54208
- Phone:
On File
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The Bridge-Between Retreat Center, Inc.
Contact: Mary
- Description:
The Bridge-Between Retreat Center is a retreat ministry providing a contemplative, country setting in which to deepen relationships with God, self, neighbor, and creation. We tend to soul and soil offering a variety of individual and group retreats, workshops and events, organically grown produce, llama wool, handmade gifts, and a place to learn about wholeness and sustainability. We are a not-for-profit religious organization ministering to all people.
- Online Ordering: