Seema Vora, Vegetarian Lifestyle Coach & Integrative Health Counselor
Vegetarian Lifestyle Coach
- Categories: counseling
- Address: 106 Central Park South
- City, State: New York,
New York
Country: United States
Postal Code: 10019
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On File
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Seema Vora, Vegetarian Lifestyle Coach & Integrative Health Counselor
Contact: Seema Vora
- Description:
Seema Vora is a board certified integrative health counselor who currently works at an Ayurvedic clinic. She graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition affiliated with SUNY - Purchase. She is a marathoner, lifelong vegetarian and a foodie. Seema works with clients who are looking to live a fun, balanced vegetarian lifestyle. She holds a BA with honors in International Relations from American University
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