Sage Education Center
Effective non-invasive treatment for learning, attention and behavior challenges
- Categories: counseling
- Address: 2601 2nd Ave S
- City, State: minneapolis,
Country: United States
Postal Code: 55408
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Sage Education Center
Contact: Stephanie Johnson MA, DTR, LPC
- Description:
Stephanie Johnson MA,DTR,LPC is a licensed teacher and therapist who brings a unique perspective to education and
child development. Recognizing the body's role
in optimal learning, Ms. Johnson has integrated
her experience in the classroom with training in
a variety of developmental movement therapies
to offer effective treatment plans for children
who struggle to perform their best at school.
Stephanie offers a deep understanding of how a
child's early physical development influences
achievement at school both socially and
academically. Ms. Johnson is committed to
assessing the origin of troubling symptoms
rather than employing a series of coping
strategies that overlook the root of the problem.
Through movement that focuses on developmental patterns and primitive reflexes, Stephanie is able to provide fun, non invasive therapy for children of all ages who struggle at school. Please call today and schedule an assessment for your child.
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