Natural Health Chat
Natural health chat - holistic natural health expert, susanne morrone - health & wellness
- Categories: counseling
- Address: Susanne Morrone, BS, CNC, LMT Map
- City, State: Jacksonville, Florida Country: United States Postal Code: 32258
- Phone: web only Fax: Not Available
- WebSite:
- Email: Natural Health Chat Contact: Susanne Morrone
- Description:
Susanne Morrone, is an author and natural health expert with a wealth of experience from nearly 30 years of teaching people how to live healthier lives through consultations, lectures and workshops. Susanne's clients range from fitness gurus to busy executives, ones wanting to improve their everyday habits to entrepreneurs. Forming healthier habits, understanding proper nutrition, environmental impacts, and using intelligent, supportive therapies are key. You'll learn the whys and hows to feel our best in everyday business and life for an overall energy that you never thought was possible. These consultations will provide you with just that, the tools to live healthier.
- Online Ordering: Yes