Living Deliberately for Health and Wellness
Specializing in Stress Reduction, Skin Care and Herbal Remedies.
- Categories: counseling
- Address: 22510 W. Hacienda Dr.
- City, State: Grass Valley,
Country: United States
Postal Code: 95949
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Living Deliberately for Health and Wellness
Contact: Laurie Millar
- Description:
We strive to support and meet our patients' needs for an alternative form of health care while empowering them to take complete responsibility for their own health using the ancient wisdom and tools of Ayurveda. Ayurvedic consultations to improve health and well-being naturally using diet, lifestyle modifications, herbal remedies, exercise and tools for the mind. We offer organic foods, herbs, oils and teas in line with this philosophy. All wild crafted or organic herbs are used in making the medicinal ghees. The ghee is all organic, from Purity Farms in Colorado.
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