Green Earth Corporate Kindness Organization (GECKO)
A non-profit dedicated to helping businesses & non-profits become more earth friendly.
- Categories: environmental
- Address: 14 Arrowwood Drive
- City, State: Coventry,
Rhode Island
Country: United States
Postal Code: 02816
- Phone:
Not Available
- WebSite:
- Email:
Green Earth Corporate Kindness Organization (GECKO)
Contact: George O'Loughlin
- Description:
GECKO is a 501(C)3 (tax exempt) non-profit corporation
dedicated to helping businesses & non-profits become better
stewards of the environment. The organization views this mission as a critically necessary approach toward solving the global climate crisis. GECKO is committed to being an active educator that is on the forefront of:
Environmental Business Practice Assessment
Preliminary Green Change Planning
Advanced Green Change Planning
Green Change Implementation Assistance
Results Testing
- Online Ordering: