Faces Of Astarte & Expressions Eco Salon for All Ethnicities
Faces Of Astarte & Expressions Eco Salon
- Categories: counseling
- Address: 410 Canal Pl, Suite 202
- City, State: Little Falls,
New York
Country: United States
Postal Code: 13365
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Not Available
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Faces Of Astarte & Expressions Eco Salon for All Ethnicities
Contact: Christine
- Description:
Located in an adaptive use building,We are a full service salon specializing in eco friendly non toxic all natural and certified organic products and services. Our clients seek natural non invasive beauty options for many reasons some of which are they may be chemically sensitive, have cancer or other severe illnesses, are ecologically concerned, seek therapeutic beauty & pleasure healing. Aroma Therapy Facials using Acupressure Face Rejuvenation techniques. A special program of complimentary aroma therapy facials for someone you love with cancer or other life threatening disease. Hair Thinning, Repair & Scalp Issues. Nutrition & Natural Therapies. Natural Pigment Hair Color. Makeovers using the prestigeous Jane Iredale Mineral Cosmetics: Complementary Color Matching. Make over styles include: Everyday, Professional, Medical Camoflague, Bridal/Special Event.
Rites of Passage Parties: Birthday, Prom, Graduation, Bridal, Blessing Way (Pregnancy), Birthing, Retirement, Crone, Life Celebration (passing)
- Online Ordering: