Earth and Spirit Psychotherapy
Holistic, earth-friendly, gay-friendly psychotherapy and relationship counseling: visit my website!
- Categories: counseling
- Address: 1028 Lantana Drive
- City, State: Los Angeles,
Country: United States
Postal Code: 90042
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Earth and Spirit Psychotherapy
Contact: Maggie Bryant, MFT
- Description:
I am a holistically-oriented psychotherapist, licensed and practicing in California for 34 years. In addition to therapy basics, I use breathing techniques, imagery, hypnosis, past-life therapy, inter-life regression and energy psychology to help my clients achieve their goals. I encourage clients to achieve balance through a strong relationship to the natural world and through developing a spiritual life that suits them.
In addition, I specialize in relationship problems of adoptees and those who were incubator babies.
I teach a class for women to help them communicate and be more effective with men. I also teach The Artist's Way. Please visit my website at
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