Campus California
Together we can make a difference, one shirt at a time!
- Categories: environmental
- Address: 1081 Essex ave
- City, State: Richmond,
Country: United States
Postal Code: 94806
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On File
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Campus California
Contact: Sophia Duus
- Description:
Campus California is a non-profit organization. Our purpose is to work towards the humanization of mankind and for the care of the planet and all its species and plants.
The overall goal is in all ways to do good for people, nature and all its beings.
This objective is pursued through initiating, running, assisting and promoting activities aimed at protecting the environment, education, international development, cooperation and fighting shoulder to shoulder with the poorest of the world.
Campus California collects and sells used clothing, which is an activity with a very strong enviromental focus.The proceeds generated by this activity are used to support the training of international volunteers to work with sustainable development in the poorest parts of the world.
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