green directory of organic, fair trade and green products - Magnetic Therapy Products - magnetic wraps, shoes insoles, magnetic mattress pads

( Member since January 2011.  Listing views:6897 )

    Contact: Donna Mendenhall
3682 Burton Street
City, State: Sherrills FordNorth Carolina      Zip:28673
Phone: 877-858-9082    2nd Phone: 828-478-2277
Fax: 828-478-2570
Online ordering: Yes      Mail / Phone order: Yes     
Over 16 years of Magnetic Therapy manufacturing technology providing excellent customer service, technical support and quality made Magnetic Therapy wraps, magnetic shoe insoles, and magnetic sleep systems. We have a genuine compassion for our clients who are in need of an alternate source of pain releif to improve their quality of life!

1) Homeopathy / Natural Home Remedies / Natural Cures

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