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Myotool-The Most Amazing Self Massage Device Ever Invented!

( Member since October 2009.  Listing views:6590 )

    Contact: Glenn Taylor
1020-D-McCourtney Road
City, State: Grass ValleyCalifornia      Zip:95949
Phone: web only
Online ordering: Yes     
The Myotool is the most versatile, easy to use self massage device ever designed. The Myotool was designed to help manage the tightness, stiffness, and discomfort we all sometimes experience in life.The Myotool was created by two physical therapists to allow people to treat themselves with a similar benefit to what they may experience from the hands-on-treatment they receive at a Massage Therapy, Physical Therapy, Osteopathic or Chiropractic clinic. Best of all the Myotool requires no batteries or electricity, and no moving parts to break.

1) Wellness Products / Wellness Services

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