green directory of organic, fair trade and green products

Wings of Love Foundation, Inc.

Animal rescue-selling products to raise money for charity

( Member since September 2007.  Listing views:15208 )

    Contact: Regina Levy Cussell
26300 S. W. 227th Ave.
City, State: HomesteadFlorida      Zip:33031
Phone: 305-246-5683    2nd Phone: 305-610-1598
Fax: 305-245-4860
Description: options include:
Online ordering: No      Nonprofit: Yes
We grow and sell Wheatgrass and environmental products to raise money for our 501-C-3 charity. We have Green bags for continual reuse and Food Grade stainless steel, 20 ounce bottles for carrying water(instead of using plastic. We are involved with South Florida Golf Foundation Birdies for Charity fund raiser every year. We are strictly a volunteer organization and l00% of our profit goes to our animal rescue. We are completely dependent on donations and they are readily accepted. We are available every Saturday at the World Market and Organic produce market on Grand Ave in Coconut grove, Miami, Florida Look for our Red Pop-up (Canopy) Visit our exhibit at Monkey Jungle S. W. 216th Street, Miami, Florida--Tell them that Wings of Love Foundation, Inc. sent you. their telephone number is 305-235-1611

1) Animal Sanctuary

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