green directory of organic, fair trade and green products

Winding Circle Organic Farm

Organic tonics and tinctures for the whole family, made to taste good! (Priest River, ID)

( Member since July 2007.  Listing views:7707 )

    Contact: Kim and Jim DesJarlais
3476 Lower Quartz Creek
City, State: Priest RiverIdaho      Zip:83856
Phone: 208-448-2972    2nd Phone: 208-448-2972
             Mail / Phone order: Yes     
From Winding Circle Organic Farm, a family farm. This herbal supplement line of tonics and tinctures was developed with taste as well as health in mind. Herbs do the best when they are taken, so these are created to make you want them - not avoid them! Femme Vital-ity: a women's tonic which supports the lungs, heart, liver, kidneys, and immune system; balances hormonal levels and tonifies the uterus. Great Bones Alive!: a highly assimilatable combination of magnesium, iron and calcium in a vinegar base. Dragon Juice: a men's tonic which supports the lungs, heart, liver, kidneys,immune system, and tonifies the prostates. Elderberry-Echinacea: a delicious tinture for all ages...kick that bug! to be taken as an intense assault on illness. Tum-Ease: a horribly bitter tonic that relieves nausea and stomach discomfort almost immediately. 1 ounce price: $7.00 2 ounce price: $13.00 4 ounce price: $19.00 For more information or mail order, contact us at windingcircle@gotsky.

1) Supplements Store / Vitamins & Supplements

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