green directory of organic, fair trade and green products

Wilgenburg Greenhouses

Certified USDA Organic Cucumbers, Oranges, Strawberries, Tomatoes

( Member since December 2010.  Listing views:5160 )

6761 Ave 416
City, State: DinubaCalifornia      Zip:93618
Phone: 559-591-0352    Fax: 559-591-1776
Description: options include:
Online ordering: No     
The Wilgenburg family invites you to enjoy their vine-ripened, hand-picked, and hand-packed tomatoes at the peak of their flavor! Handled with �Kid gloves� is how Wilgenburg�s tomatoes are harvested today. Each worker wears cotton gloves when picking and packing the fruit. Bumble bees pollinate the tomato flowers, searching and finding the flowers that need to be pollinated. They only work the flowers that have pollen available for them to store. Good pollination is essential to achieve the final result of a good, firm, tasty and juicy tomato. Flavor and nutrition are intertwined in Hans� philosophy and practice of farming. Compost for the fertilizer is made on the farm. Hans became a worm farmer, using the worm castings to further enhance the nutritional value of the soil medium, in which the tomatoes and cucumbers are grown. The good health of both the soil and plant has a direct correlation to the health and flavor of the fruit.

1) Organic Farms / Sustainable Farms

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