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Wild Success

dissolve your sugar habit ~ boost your immunity ~ have more energy

( Member since November 2009.  Listing views:9157 )

    Contact: Sharon Greenspan
telephone coaching and Virginia Beach, VA
City, State: your livingroom and Virginia Beach, VAVirginia      Zip:23451
Phone: 301-816-0752
Online ordering: Yes     
Holistic healing uses expert nutrition coaching and energy healing to overcome exhaustion and stress. Client successes include dissolving sugar habits, decreased ADD; cleared IBS, pre-diabetes diagnoses; weight-loss, increased concentration; transition to raw, vegan; addressing emotional-food issues; detoxing (food/health, not drugs). While circumstances differ, the struggles are the same. See if these sound familiar: You�re used to the stress/headache/sore back/pain and figure it�s part of life. Pain-relievers sometimes help. Your energy is not abundant. Even though you�re tired, you don�t sleep well or enough. You�ve tried chiropractic, acupuncture, herbs, essential oils. Sometimes they help, but then treatment is interrupted and symptoms reappear. You ignore chronic pain so it doesn�t bother you�too much�except when you�re more stressed than usual. You can�t turn your mind off. You eat well, but one problem � sugar, caffeine, extra weight, high cholesterrol � remains.

1) Diet(ician) / weightloss

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Experience the Power of the Ocean with KaiMana� Hawaiian Deep Seawater Trace Minerals