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VEGA (Vegetarian Economy & Green Agriculture)

UK charity campaigning on farm animal welfare, food labelling, health, nutrition and environment.

( Member since November 2001.  Listing views:12963 )

    Contact: Alan Long
14 Woodland Rise
City, State: Greenford, Middlesex,    Country: United-Kingdom    UB6 0RD
Phone: 020 8902 0073    Fax: 020 89020073
Online ordering: No      Nonprofit: Yes
VEGA (Vegetarian Economy and Green Agriculture) is a registered charity. We are a research, information and campaigning organisation focusing on farming, food, health and the land. VEGA is campaigning for kinder farming (i.e. without exploitation of animals or the environment) and improved human health, nutrition and welfare. Vega has an extensive newspaper clippings and journal archive and user friendly database available to anyone interested in researching animal welfare, nutrition, health, environment, agriculture and scientific subjects. We can scan and send articles via email upon request.

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