green directory of organic, fair trade and green products

Urban Harvest Garden Alternatives

Supplies organic heritage vegetable, herb and native seedlings, seeds, soil amendments

( Member since April 2005.  Listing views:19086 )

    Contact: Colette Murphy
193 Sorauren Ave
City, Province: TorontoOntario   Country: Canada    M6R 2E7
Phone: 416-504-1653    Fax: 416-504-7426
Description: options include: Organic
Online ordering: Yes      Mail / Phone order: Yes     
Urban Harvest supplies certified organic seedlings for heirloom tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and other vegetables, culinary and medicinal herbs and native Ontario plants. We also have organic seeds and soil amendments for the urban gardener. Please check out the web site as we will have on line ordering soon. We are also at the Toronto Farmer's Markets at Riverdale Farm on Tuesdays and Dufferin Grove on Thursdays both from 3:30 to 7pm. Dufferin Grove goes all year long and we bring the body care products made with our herbs. Riverdale is a May to October market. We have an on-line store and a physical store in Toronto at 59 Elm Grove Ave.

1) Non-gmo seeds

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  North Bay Trading, Canadian Organic Wild Rice