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The National Anti-Vivisection Society

dedicated to abolishing the exploitation of animals used in research

( Member since August 2000.  Listing views:12536 )

53 W. Jackson Boulevard Suite 1552
City, State: ChicagoIllinois      Zip:60604
Phone: 800-888-NAVS (6287)    Fax: 312-427-6524
Online ordering: Yes      Mail / Phone order: Yes      Nonprofit: Yes
dedicated to abolishing the exploitation of animals used in research, education and product testing. Since its founding in 1929, NAVS has promoted greater compassion, respect and justice for animals through educational programs based on respected ethical and scientific theory and supported by extensive documentation of the cruelty and waste of vivisection. From our national headquarters in Chicago, NAVS educational programs are directed at increasing public awareness about vivisection, identifying humane solutions to human problems, developing alternatives to the use of animals

1) Animal rights

GreenPeople directory of eco-friendly products
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