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The Lazy T

The Lazy T CSA and produce stand

( Member since February 2009.  Listing views:9782 )

    Contact: Joe
103 Clear Creek Rd
City, State: DawsonIllinois      Zip:62520
Phone: 217-415-6846    2nd Phone: 217-415-6876
Description: options include:
Online ordering: No     
We live and work our 80 acres with our children. We grow many varieties of fruits and vegetables. Chickens, eggs and turkeys are sold as well. In 2011,our CSA offering will be Vegetable share -$400 Poultry share- $175 Egg Share-$60 all are based on 20 weeks. Email us for an agreement today at As you know, fresh tastes best so Come Taste our Difference. We hope to see you often. Visit our blog http://thelazytlive.blogsp Or to see what's fresh

1) CSA / Community Supported Agriculture / Buying Club

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