green directory of organic, fair trade and green products

The Green Mercantile

Looking to 'green' up your life? From body care to underwear, we've got you covered

( Member since March 2004.  Listing views:15189 )

    Contact: Dianna von Rabenau
209 E. Superior St.
City, State: DuluthMinnesota      Zip:55802
Phone: 218-722-1771    Fax: 999-000-0000
Online ordering: Yes      Mail / Phone order: Yes     

The Green Mercantile carries a broad array of organic, recycled, green and sustainable products. Our inventory includes cleaning supplies, clothing, toys, health and beauty products. Our on-lin store allows customers to order and access items that may not be available in your area.


1) Organics for Baby / Cloth Diapers

GreenPeople directory of eco-friendly products
environmental products directory  is  OUR   community project.
300 Georgia St., Suite #1, Hollywood,  FL  33019
Copyright 1998-2016

organic cotton and hemp products    

99% of our foods, drinks, pastries, and desserts have been prepared using clean, sustainably raised materials.    

Our mission is to connect all eco friendly companies and organizations    

Veronica Hinojosa-Stang: Postpartum Doula & Newborn Care Specialist in Los Angeles, CA