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The Golden Light Centre for Well-Being Inc.

The Golden Light Centre for Well-Being Inc.

( Member since January 2009.  Listing views:7960 )

    Contact: Jane Booth Robertson
320 Aiken St.
City, Province: MeafordOntario   Country: Canada    -----
Phone: 519-538-5977
Online ordering: Yes      Mail / Phone order: Yes     
Jane Booth Robertson is a Minister of Spiritual Peacemaking who created a program to enhance spiritual awareness, renewal and inner peace called The Peaceful Path. Through The Golden Light Centre for Well-Being Inc. she is dedicated to assisting people to find new solutions to create harmony, well-being and peace in their lives. For over 18 years, Jane has presented meditation and holistic workshops, in Ontario, to community and health organizations. In 2004, she became an Ordained Minister of Spiritual Peacemaking and holds a Masters of Divinity. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Social Development Studies and a Certificate of General Social Work. REIKI She is a Certified Sound Energy Dynamics Practitioner and Reiki Master Practitioner who offers private sessions and certificate classes in Meaford, ON RETREAT Don't miss - The Peaceful Path Retreat for Women- June 12-14th 2009 at the beautiful Glen Tara Retreat Centre near Mount Forest On. More info and to register:

1) Body Work / Energy Work / Meditation

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