green directory of organic, fair trade and green products


spa, bath and gourmet sea salts, smoked salt and more

( Member since August 2011.  Listing views:7049 )

    Contact: Mark Zoske
15000 Wood-Red Rd NE
City, State: WoodinvilleWashington      Zip:98072
Phone: 800-353-7258
Description: Business to Business sales ONLY options include:
Online ordering: Yes      Mail / Phone order: Yes     
Washington-based supplier of a wide selection of spa, bath and gourmet sea salts, including Artisan Salt, Bokek, Himalayan salt, smoked salt, colored salt, sea salt, finishing salt, Epsom salts & many more! Buy online in retail or wholesale quantities.

1) Culinary Herbs /Organic Oils / Organic Sauce

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99% of our foods, drinks, pastries, and desserts have been prepared using clean, sustainably raised materials.
  North Bay Trading, Canadian Organic Wild Rice