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Red Earth Natural Health

Oklahoma City's Premier Natural Wellness Facility

( Member since January 2016.  Listing views:4580 )

    Contact: Andrea Pryce, ND
Web Only
City, State: Oklahoma CityOklahoma      Zip:73107
Phone: 405-982-0555
Online ordering: No      Mail / Phone order: Yes     

At Red Earth Natural Health, it is our steadfast belief that every individual is a unique integration of physical, biochemical, emotional, and spiritual qualities that all need to be supported, balanced, and optimized.  Much like a chair, stability is only possible if all supporting legs are strong. Even one weak leg will result in imbalance. 

This means we do not treat symptoms, and we do not treat diseases. In most cases it doesn't matter what sort of disease or condition a person has, but rather what sort of person has a particular disease or condition. Instead of focusing on a specific disease or set of symptoms, we address the underlying cause, restoring health by treating you as the individual that you are. 

At Red Earth Natural Health, our highest goal is to optimize your health by promoting your innate biological, mental, and spiritual healing abilities, and by minimizing exposure to health-destructive forces.


1) Holistic practitioner / naturopaths

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