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Portland Organic Gardens

Personal Organic Garden Installation and Maintenance and CSA Memberships

( Member since April 2009.  Listing views:11442 )

    Contact: Emily Andrews
10538 NW 4th St.
City, State: PortlandOregon      Zip:97231
Phone: 503-347-1020
Description: options include:
Online ordering: No      Mail / Phone order: Yes     
Portland Organic Gardens specializes in the installation and maintenance of customized vegetable gardens. Our Gardeners will build raised beds, truck in soil, install automatic drip-sprinkler systems, plant organic vegetables, herbs, berries, fruit and nut trees and begin the cultivation process on your Organic Garden. A weekly maintenance service is also offered. At the end of each weekly visit Portland Organic Gardens will place a basket of freshly picked, organically, grown produce from your garden, at your back door, along with recipes, storing methods and information on leftover harvest projects. As part of the weekly maintenance service we will also provide successive planting, elongating the harvest season and providing your family with a diverse menu all year long. Portland Organic Gardens is proud to introduce their 2009 CSA Membership! As a member you�ll receive a weekly basket of organic produce grown in one of our local organic vegetable gardens.

1) CSA / Community Supported Agriculture / Buying Club

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