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Peaceable Kingdom Essentials

Peaceable Kingdom Essentials - Herbal, Organic & Natural Products for Animals and People

( Member since July 2010.  Listing views:7837 )

    Contact: Cindy Wenger
PO Box 265
City, State: HersheyPennsylvania      Zip:17033
Phone: 717-566-0922    Fax: 717-566-2768
Online ordering: Yes     

KEEP YOUR PETS HAPPY & HELATHY WITH HERBAL, ORGANIC & NATURAL PRODUCTS THAT ARE 100% USDA & PA CERTIFIED ORGANIC~~For your pets well being and your peace of mind~~ Natural products~~~Natural Solutions


* Strengthen digestion

* Boost immunity

* Ease arthritis pain

* Soothe skin irritations and hot spots

* Calm anxiety and much more

At Peaceable Kingdom Essentials we're committed to providing the most effective natural products and herbal remedies possible for your pets.�We offer earth friendly, superior quality�tinctures and natural pet products as well as delicious herbal teas for people.�These herbs are neither sprayed or irradiated. Shop Today for the Best in Natural Pet Products--

Our guiding principles are:

  • To use USDA certified organic ingredients for our products whenever possible
  • To manufacture products that effectively address animal health and behavioral issues
  • To minimize our environmental footprint by using materials that can be easily recycled.


1) Natural Pet Shops / Green Pet Supplies

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