Do you remember the sheer joy of basking in a sunny spot as a young child...
running downhill, one foot pounding after the other almost faster than you could
keep up with... gobbling juicy berries right off the vine... enjoying being in
your body, without any judgment of what you "should" do, eat, look like?
Do you remember that peace and joy? I took it for granted, figured that was how
things were supposed to be. Funny thing - when I grew up I took the shame,
judgment, and pressure of adulthood, to look and eat and be a certain way, just
as much for granted!
So at PeaceMeals we offer:
- Exciting weekly
cookbooks that help you save money on groceries and try new, delicious, healthy
- A new datebook that teaches you how to plan meals yourself,
saving money and reaching your own goals;
- A special new coaching course
full of incredible tools to bring you back to that childhood paradise of a
healthy, delightful relationship with food and your body again.