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ORA-Organization for the Rescue of Animals

ORA. For the Love and Respect of All Animals.

( Member since June 2011.  Listing views:7069 )

    Contact: Claudia Vecchio and Corinne Thaw
P.O. Box 22608 300 Coxwell Ave.
City, Province: TorontoOntario   Country: Canada    M4L 3W7
Phone: 416-726-5762    2nd Phone: 416-726-8895
Online ordering: No      Nonprofit: Yes

ORA-Organization for the Rescue of Animals (CRN # 85580 9448 RR0001) is a grassroots, registered charity, 100% volunteer based, strictly no kill, promoting the humane treatment of all animals and the preservation of wildlife. Presently over 150 rescued cats and 18 dogs are under the care of ORA-Organization for the Rescue of Animals. We do not have a shelter nor staff, and all of the animals are housed in foster homes in cage free environments until suitable permanent homes can be found. The animals who, due to age, behavioral problems or health, cannot be adopted out, remain under ORA's care until the ends of their natural lives. ORA-Organization for the Rescue of Animals does not receive any public funding and is supported only by your private donations. Please give generously, and help us to help a defenseless animal in need. For more INFORMATION or to DONATE in support of any of our programs in the Greater Toronto Area, please call 416-726-5762 / 416-726-8895 OR e-mail


1) Animal Sanctuary

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