Northern Quest Farm is located just east of Lake Ontario on Tug Hill. Our
farm has been certified organic since 2001, first as an organic dairyfarm and
since 2007 as producers of organic baby beef and grain. We raise healthy and
happy animals and also keep old heritage breeds alive and producing under
natural conditions, mainly by pasturing and giving them comfortable winter
shelter. We do not feed our beef any corn, letting them grow with the best
forages available. We have been adding on different animal species over the last
years and now have British White Cattle, an old fashioned grass breed, Tamworth
pigs, Red Bourbon and Slate Turkeys , Partridge Rock and Silver Laced Wyandotte
chickens, American Chinchilla rabbits and not organic certified Shropshire
sheep. We also raise Irish Draught horses and Italian Spinoni, an old italian
farm and birdhunting dog. Our meat sells preordered and wholesale, the baby beef
is super tender and lean, grass and milkfed and dresses out at about