Dr. Marita Roussey, A.P., O.M.D., has been practicing acupuncture since 1986
and the BodyTalk System� since 1998. She began her training in Traditional
Chinese Medicine in 1977, studying in London then going on to receive her
doctorate in Los Angeles. Marita taught acupuncture at the East West College of
Natural Medicine in Sarasota, FL for 4 years starting in 1996. For the last ten
years she has been teaching BodyTalk internationally as well as training
instructors. Marita herself was trained by Dr. John Veltheim, founder of the
BodyTalk System, and Dr. Devi S. Nambudripad, founder of the NAET system. She
also attended the Upledger Institute in Florida for training in Manual Lymph
Drainage. In her practice, Marita specializes in autoimmune diseases and
allergies. She has developed BodyChemistry, a seminar on allergy elimination for
BodyTalk practitioners.