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Luck Dragon Medicine

Naturopathic Medicine For The Whole Family

( Member since March 2010.  Listing views:8364 )

    Contact: Dr. Jen Clemons
2615 Ashby Avenue
City, State: BerkeleyCalifornia      Zip:94705
Phone: 503-936-0908
Online ordering: No     
Dr Jen's incorporates modern Western Medicine tools such as lab work and research with Botanicals, Chinese Medicinal Herbs, nutritional counseling as well as select supplements, bodywork such as cranial therapy and energy medicine such as homeopathics and flower essences to treat her patients. Her general medicine practice includes helping patients with stress management, anxiety/depression reduction, chronic pain, digestive issues, treatment of women�s health issues such as menopausal and menstrual disorders, chronic disease, and autoimmune disorders. Rooted in naturopathic medicine, she �treats the whole person�.

1) Holistic Health Clinics / Naturopaths / Complementary Alternative Medicine / Integrative Medicine

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