green directory of organic, fair trade and green products

Linen Crafts

Linen crafts offers eco-friendly fine european linens

( Member since October 2011.  Listing views:6751 )

    Contact: Vita Angele
Dysnos g. 5/2-5
City, State: Vilnius,    Country: Lithuania    05253
Phone: 0037061020996
Description: options include: Organic  Vegan  Kosher
Online ordering: Yes      Mail / Phone order: Yes     
Lovely, well-priced products- damask linens, linen bedding,infant bedding & linen beach sarongs. Great gift ideas! In the small Linen Crafts studio we carefully select natural fabrics from the various linen mills in Europe and play with it crafting cozy home textile designs. Hence our customers can enjoy great quality, durable and healthy home linens at the fair price! �The goal of life is living in agreement with nature�Zeno � .�.*�� Please,look around in our online store and we hope you will find something lovely for you and your family! We will be adding new items weekly, so check back often! � .�.*��

1) Home Goods / Green Furnishings

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