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Liebowitz Longevity

Liebowitz Longevity

( Member since February 2011.  Listing views:7736 )

    Contact: Howard Liebowitz
436 N.Bedford Dr. Suite 202
City, State: Beverly HillsCalifornia      Zip:90210
Phone: 310-247-2200
Online ordering: Yes      Mail / Phone order: Yes      Nonprofit: Yes
Dr. Howard Liebowitz is committed to helping his patients obtain optimum results in healthy aging. He is internationally recognized for his expertise in combining the most effective treatments offered by advanced science with foundational natural and functional medicine. He believes that by replacing missing hormones (hormone balancing and bio-identical hormone replacement), removing toxic chemicals, providing essential nutrients, a low glycemic diet, adequate rest, and proper exercise, the natural healing ability of the body will result in restoring optimal health at any age. He provides alternative medicine & functional medicine along with hormone balancing & bio-identical hormone replacement conveniently close to Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Hollywood, Beverly Hills and Brentwood in the heart of Southern California. Talk to Dr. Liebowitz for Free! For more info visit Keywords Hormone Replacement Hormone Balancing Bio-identical hormones Functional Medicine

1) Holistic Health Clinics / Naturopaths / Complementary Alternative Medicine / Integrative Medicine

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