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Green Fairy Organics LLC

A uniquie, eco-mined cleaning serivces and products

( Member since March 2011.  Listing views:7084 )

    Contact: Sarah Rice
2005 Cody Court
City, State: AustinTexas      Zip:78704
Phone: 512-351-3352
Online ordering: Yes     

� We are a local company owned by a Austin Native. All our products are handcrafted with Organic Citrus, Plant, or Vinegar bases to keep your home, and our world, healthy! Continuing with that theory, we choose to work with only washable rags, microfiber dust cloths, and terry cloth mop heads to cut out unnecessary waste. We also step it up a notch by utilizing state-of-the-art, German engineered, Miele vacuum cleaners. Exceptional products plus detailed care equal a superior clean!
The Green Fairy offer weekly, bi-weekly, monthly service schedules, as well as, move-in/move-out cleaning, and one time cleanings.
We have three levels of clean each with an all inclusive cleaning checklist for your home. Our list covers all the basics of cleaning, as well as details that others seems to miss, like window sills or finger-printed light switches and doors.
Green Fairy provides custom aromatherapy, using only pure essential oils, for the whole house. The scents we offer enhance the overall atmosphere, they can rid your house of stubborn bugs, and even remove unwanted negative energy. The first household aromatherapy session is free!

Included in every cleaning:
*Flexible-NO contracts
*Free In-home Consultation
*Personalized Walk Through Checklist


1) Green Cleaning / Green Cleaners

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Nature Safe Spas  

99% of our foods, drinks, pastries, and desserts have been prepared using clean, sustainably raised materials.

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