Good Things Green ThingsGood Things Green Things - Eco friendly products for your family, pets & home.
Member since July 2010.
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Contact: Andi Winterfield
PO Box 640
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Elk River,
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Good Things Green Things is an eco friendly gift shop committed to bringing you
the healthiest, most eco friendly products for your family, pets & home. My
first pregnancy inspired me to green up my routine & I began searching for
healthy products to use on myself & in my home. I stuggled to find products that
met my standards, & I decided to start Good Things Green Things to offer healthy
products for everyone, conveniently located in one place. We have a great
selection of products that have natural & organic ingredients, are biodegradable
or compostable, certified fair trade, handmade, sustainable, recyclable or made
from recycled materials. Being a Minnesotan, we also have a great selection of
products from Minnesota including, skin care, non toxic cleaning products, & our
own soy candles. All of our products are free of parabens, phthalates, propylene
glycol, petroleum & sulfates. We will continue to search for the healthiest
products for your family. We want the best for you, your family & the earth.
1) Natural soap