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Gaia: The Earth Force United Coalition.

Gaia: The Earth Force United Coalition.

( Member since February 2003.  Listing views:13886 )

    Contact: Keith Michael Varady (Founder and Administrator))
City, State: PerryMichigan      Zip:48872
Phone: 517-281-6582
Online ordering: No      Nonprofit: Yes

The Earth Force United Organization's ideals are simple. 1) Work towards Peace and to Oppose War a way of settling differences. 2) Work for Human and Civil Rights. "Intolerance is Ignorance." KMV. 3) Support and promote Environmental Sanity. 4) Promote Religious and Spiritual Tolerance. We all need to put aside our differences and work together. 5) Work towards an end to Animal Abuse and to work for Animal Welfare. 6) To make this a better World for our Children and our Children's Children. 7) To educate ourselves and the public about truths in our world. 8) We are not in the business of raising money. We are in the business of raising awareness.


1) Environmental

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