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Foods heal .com

Foods heal: a different, better path to nutrition

( Member since December 2010.  Listing views:6782 )

    Contact: Dr. Bill Dean
City, State: TacomaWashington      Zip:98244
Phone: web only
Online ordering: Yes      Mail / Phone order: Yes     
Foods Heal, by Dr. Bill Dean, MD, is a book (and website) that explains Energy Science - a unique, paradigm-shifting way of thinking about nutrition. Energy Science, as described in Foods Heal, is based on Ayurveda and supported by findings of modern clinical medicine. It is truly and East meets West experience. The current "Matter-Science" way of thinking is incomplete. Nutritional values are indicated on labels and numerically quantified - but this method still leaves consumers in the dark. In other words: HOW will these ingredients affect us - on an individual basis? This is why we need Energy Science to illuminate the way. To see the complete picture of how foods can cause disease - or prevent dis-ease - we need to understand that our bodies are indeed 'Energy Fields'. Beyond that, which foods work well - and which ones don't? This is what Foods Heal can help you understand. For more information, visit:

1) Holistic Health Clinics / Naturopaths / Complementary Alternative Medicine / Integrative Medicine

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