green directory of organic, fair trade and green products

East Hill House Herbals

The best that Nature, Tradition and we can offer. Plant-based, Natural, Organic, Handcrafted

( Member since August 2003.  Listing views:9790 )

    Contact: Jacqueline Morninglight
1180 East Hill Road
City, State: WillitsCalifornia      Zip:95490
Phone: 707-459-5926    Fax: 707-459-5926
Online ordering: Yes      Mail / Phone order: Yes     
Natural. Really the REAL thing. Plant based ingredients in their most elementary state. No synthetics or petrochemicals. Indigenous plants. We believe that what we need thrives where we thrive. Organic.Best for every body. What goes on our body (skin is our largest organ) is as important as what goes in it. We use every ingredient we can possibly get organic because we think it matters, for all of us. Handcrafted. We grow, gather, infuse, bottle, label and ship it. Family. Creating and sharing good things. We have made these for our family for years. They are delighted because "They work!"

1) Organic Beauty / Bath & Body

GreenPeople directory of eco-friendly products
environmental products directory  is  OUR   community project.
300 Georgia St., Suite #1, Hollywood,  FL  33019
Copyright 1998-2016
U.S.D.A. certified organic grower/skin care company    

Luxury Organic Skin Care, Glam Nation    

beautiful skin starts with pure and nourishing ingredients, blended masterfully and with exceptional care    

Our mission is to connect all eco friendly companies and organizations    

99% of our foods, drinks, pastries, and desserts have been prepared using clean, sustainably raised materials.