-Organic Certification -Independent On-Site Inspections -Developing standards
-Conducting trainings for inspectors, producers and other certification bodies.
ECOGLOBE provides: -International Accessibility -Cost accessible fees -Services
for different organic sectors -Guarantee of Organic Integrity ECOGLOBE is
accredited by German DAKKS for EU market and by USDA National Organic Program.
ECOGLOBE is organic certification body compliant with ISO Guide 65 and EN 45011.
ECOGLOBE is listed in the EU List of certification bodies assigned to certify in
third countries for EU market. ECOGLOBE private “Standard on production,
processing, labeling and marketing of products, produced with organic
methods” is equivalent to EU Reg. 834/2007, 889/2008 ECOGLOBE operates
based on USDA NOP 7 CFR 205 valid for USA and Canada markets ECOGLOBE operates
based on Codex Alimentarius, IFOAM organic rules.