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Desert Lake Technologies, LLC

Extraordinary Microalgae and Microbiotic Products

( Member since December 2010.  Listing views:8275 )

    Contact: Jordan Jones
3735 Washburn Way
City, State: Klamath FallsOregon      Zip:97603
Phone: 541-885-6947    Fax: 541-885-6951
Description: Business to Business sales ONLY
Online ordering: No     
Desert Lake Technologies, headquartered in Klamath Falls, Oregon, is a vertically integrated harvester, processor and distributor of natural, fresh water products originating from Klamath Lake, Oregon. We are the leading producer of premium quality Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA); patented StemEnhanceTM the world's first all natural stem cell enhancer; and the unique cyanophyta extracts CyaninPlusTMand AFAninPlusTM. NOP Products: 100% Organic Ingredients: Bulk: Blue green algae - Aphanizomenen Flos Aquae, (AFAnin-Plustm, Mobilintm, ImmunHance 100tm,), Daphnia.

1) Herbalists / Traditional Chinese Herbs / Medicinal Herbs

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