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Cura Ayurveda

The Joy of Blissful Health

( Member since September 2011.  Listing views:7878 )

    Contact: Chetali Samant
City, State: BeavertonOregon      Zip:97006
Phone: 503-915-7541    2nd Phone: 510-493-0565
Online ordering: Yes      Mail / Phone order: Yes     
Cura Ayurveda provides complete Ayurvedic Lifestyle counselling. Our mission is to help and educate people to understand holistic approach to Health and living. We give consultations addressing everyday health issues like allergies, stress, sleep disturbances, joint disorders, weight loss, skin problems, AD/HD, lack of memory and concentration, heartburn, headaches, digestive disorders etc. Cononsultations include a complete Ayurvedic Body type assessment, Ayurvedic pulse and Tongue diagnosis, Ayurvedic diet and lifestyle, Yoga guidance, Ayurvedic dietary supplements. We also conduct Ayurvedic workshops for understanding Ayurveda, Yoga and their holistic health benefits.

1) Holistic Health Clinics / Naturopaths / Complementary Alternative Medicine / Integrative Medicine

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