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Citizens for Pets in Condos, Inc.

Allow Pets in Condos and other Common Interest Ownership Communities

( Member since December 2006.  Listing views:11085 )

    Contact: Maida W Genser
PO Box 26071
City, State: TamaracFlorida      Zip:33320
Phone: 954-366-4555
Online ordering: No      Nonprofit: Yes
If almost 65% of US households have at least one companion animal, how can huge condo complexes deny people the right to have pets? No-pet deed restrictions make for a lose-lose situation both for people and animals. Many seniors and others are denied health benefits that could be gained from having a pet. At the same time, a huge number of animals needlessly get euthanized. Statistics show that geographic areas with pervasive no-pet rules also have record levels of euthanizations. Citizens FOR Pets in Condos is a 501-c3 tax exempt private operating foundation dedicated to increasing acceptance of companion animals in condos and other types of association-run housing. We educate the public about the health benefits of having animal companions and also advocate for responsible pet ownership/guardianship. Our motto: �creating a win-win situation for both people & pets.�

1) Animal rights

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